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Proper nutrition for fruitful results of the training

Proper nutrition for fruitful results of the training
Proper nutrition for fruitful results of the training
Balanced diet and exercise are two go hand in hand. Not without any health plan to reduce the weight of a nutritionally balanced diet, and exercise program. The quality of the food you eat and the timing plays a significant role in your performance in the exercise.

The system is always required in order to achieve the best results in all aspects of life, and to achieve the goal we want to lose weight. Thus, if you know when you have to dine and what is the quality of the best foods for your body, you will notice the time difference in terms of the amount of interest that you obtain through sports training.

Proper food and exercise

Here are some guidelines from food in order to achieve better results during the exercise:

Be sure to eat a healthy breakfast:

If you are doing exercise in the morning, you need energy to do exercise, so you need to compensate for the energy been exhausted body during the hours of sleep a night, in addition to the level of sugar in the morning is low, and of course breakfast is the perfect solution for it. And try eating breakfast one hour before exercise or two. So be sure to get up early enough to be able to eat breakfast before starting exercise. But if you are planning to start a workout before the lapse of an hour for breakfast, should be dealt with only a light breakfast, or any type of drink even raises the level of sugar in the blood. One of the best foods you can eat for breakfast is whole grain or whole-grain breads, low-fat milk, juice and bananas. In general, you should eat three main meals a day to keep your body retain his card and vitality.

Pay attention to the size of the meal:

When it comes to exercise, please do not over-size meal both in terms of childhood or old age, here are some things that need to be followed in this area:

Large meals: should be addressed before beginning the exercise at least 3-4 hours.

Small meals: should be addressed before beginning the exercise 2-3 hours.

Small snacks: You can be addressed before the start of the exercise by one hour.

Moderation is always required. Excessive eating before exercise Exercise gives you the feeling sluggish, or perhaps get diarrhea or stomach cramps pain. 

And not eating a sufficient amount of food can not provide you with the necessary energy that you need to complete the exercise, moreover, The needs of each individual in terms of the size of the meal varies between one person and another based on age, sex, weight and activity level.

Choose the correct snacks: everyone can eat snacks before exercise directly, or through the exercise, and, of course, is not mandatory, but it depends on what you feel you need it. Snacks before exercise directly, certainly will not give you extra energy, but that will maintain the level of sugar in the blood and reduce the feeling of hunger.

These meals include: energy drinks, bananas, fresh fruit, yogurt, fruit juices, whole grain. Snack health is especially necessary if you plan to exercise after eating the main meal several hours.
Eat after exercise: This will help you to refresh your muscles and the renewal of the glycogen stores. That meals should contain proteins, carbohydrates, and within two hours of the end of training, if possible. If you do not feel hungry, you can deal with juice or sports drinks and carbohydrate that provides you with.

One of the best foods that can be eaten after exercise: 

Yogurt and fruit, peanut butter or burgers, cheese, nuts, dried fruit, or a normal meal containing meat, starch, cooked vegetables or salads, pasta with chicken and vegetables, sweet potatoes with mozzarella, Abash sandwich ..

Eating sufficient amounts of fluids: 

And, of course, do not forget to address the fluid that helps to improve performance during exercise. You need a good amounts of fluids before starting exercise, and during, and after the completion of the exercise so as to prevent dehydration. Of course, water is the best way to compensate for the lack of fluids in the body. Nutrition experts advised not to eat caffeine because it causes dehydration, though not inevitable, should be addressed in an adequate amount of water beyond. 


Diversification of energy sources covered by

Nutrition experts advise trying to obtain energy from a variety of sources of foods, and not one of a kind, if you get them from foods rich in carbohydrates, or those rich in protein, or even foods that contain fat. 

Proper nutrition for Central and exercises last day

Exercise in the middle of the day: 

Should address a snack before starting exercise for 90 minutes. Could address the slave with bread Cottage cheese with careful eating sufficient amounts of water. After the termination of exercise, may haunt feeling of satiety, so it can deal with lunch in two installments during the afternoon. You can choose a group of proteins with vegetables and fruits, with a little starchy carbohydrates, or tuna with power and a little boiled potatoes.
Aerobics in the evening: 

Before you start the exercises could address a snack of milk or a handful of unsalted nuts. After the exercise, eat a good amount of water, milk or liquid milk to get the calcium necessary to manage your weight. Prefers to deal with the main meal within two hours of the end exercise, and can include vegetables, fruits, fats and proteins necessary with emphasis on diversification in the colors of the foods on the table.

When it comes to nutrition and exercise, the instructions and the results vary from person to person. Listen to your needs and get to know them well to create for yourself a pattern could be going for it and get the best results from food and exercise.

Skipping breakfast affects heart attack

Skipping breakfast affects heart attack
Skipping breakfast affects heart attack

A study carried out by Dr Leah E. Cahill, a fellow postdoctoral research in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, that people Top of Form who eat breakfast eat an average of once per day more than those who skip breakfast,suggesting that those who abstained from breakfast did not take additional meals at a later time.

The study confirmed that people who skip breakfast regularly are more prone to a higher risk by 27 percent from a heart attack or death from coronary heart disease than those who do not.

The study indicated that people who did not eat breakfast and they were younger than those who ate, as they were working full-time are more likely to smoke.

Leah said that skipping breakfast may lead to one or more of the risk factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, which may in turn lead to a heart attack with the passage of time. The study was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Lack of exercise cause a defect in the metabolism

Warned medical study at the University of Pennsylvania, not to exercise the ladies sport on a regular basis. Has become even more vulnerable to fall prey to suffering from an abnormality in the body's metabolic mechanism compared to men who are keen to exercise for about half an hour a day at least unlike the ladies. 
Lack of exercise cause a defect in the metabolism
Lack of exercise cause a defect in the metabolism

The research indicated that the imbalance in the metabolic mechanism is also an indication to increase the chances of getting high blood pressure and cholesterol, in addition to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area and buttocks to rise with it the risk of diabetes and heart attacks.

Medical Research advises the importance of exercise for ladies sport on a regular basis at a rate not less than half an hour a day and prevent the risk of disorder in the metabolism mechanism

Pear fruit benefits

Pear fruit benefits. Of delicious fruits and soothing the stomach.? Contain a proportion of organic acids and minerals beneficial and lots of vitamins and fructose, which does not harm diabetic patients, making it the fruit infected with the disease ..
- Pears many benefits as it contains a percentage of the acids that help calm the stomach and the speed of digestion.

The important benefits of pears.

Pear fruit benefits
Pear fruit benefits
1 - useful for kidney disease.
2 - Calming the stomach
3 - work on building and regeneration of cells
4 - Internal nominated remover resulting from kidney disease, liver and heart.

5 - nutritious and soothing moisturizer and beneficial to the stomach and  
6 - useful in urinary tract disorders, particularly cases of inflammation of the

7 - valid to stop diarrhea, stomach 
8 - prescribed for treatment of: arthritis, epilepsy, arthritis, and physical and  
     mental weakness, anemia and tuberculosis.
9 - help to relieve high blood pressure because they contain magnesium. 

10- Body Strong of the stomach and intestines.  

The crust is rich in minerals? The sugar found out does not affect people with diabetes.? Explained experts that one hundred grams of pear containing 80% by weight of water and 2 grams acids and 2 grams fiber, 4 grams fat, 15 grams sugar, and lots of minerals such asphosphorus, sodium, zinc, copper, iodine, sulfur and arsenic, and a high proportion of potassium and a wide range of vitamins.? experts advise people living with intestinal diseases peel pears before eating because the crust slow digestion 

10 Important Tips for eating healthy eating

10 Important Tips for eating healthy eating
10 Important Tips for eating healthy eating
Healthy food is a food rich in nutrients needed to build the body and strengthen the immune system for the prevention of various diseases. The experts agreed that it is necessary to eat a balanced healthy eating in moderate quantities and different species, which does not contain a lot of calories or high percentages of fat. It is the food, which supplies the body with energy needed to carry out daily activities.

It is also in the recent period known therapeutic feeding to treat a variety of diseases by eating certain foods. So bringing health to eat great importance in our everyday lives.

These are some tips that will help you take advantage of healthy eating while enjoying capturing the.

1 - eat foods rich in nutrients.

Man needs for more than 40 different nutrients to ensure good health, and there is no one type of food can provide all of these elements combined. Should ensure that the daily diet contains bread and whole grain products, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat, poultry and fish products other protein sources.

The amount of food to be eaten during the day depends on how many calories the body needs.

2- Eat whole grains, vegetables and fruits in abundance.

To be eating bread and brown rice , cereals and processed products from whole grains . In addition to eat 2-4 fruits of fruit and 3-5 fruits of vegetables during the day.

3 - Maintain proper weight 

The ideal weight depends on several factors, including gender ( male or female) , height , age, and some genetic factors .
The increase in weight helps to increase the imposition of developing high blood pressure , heart disease, stroke , diabetes and some types of cancer and other diseases . The excessive thinness also increase the chances of osteoporosis , and irregular menstrual cycle in women .
So when weight loss and weight gain continuously, to be hiring a nutrition to regulate certain dietary habits and weight control . The regular exercise helps to maintain proper weight . 

4 - Eat moderate amounts of food 

When eating moderate amounts of food, and be easy to eat favorite foods while maintaining a healthy body.
For example: It is recommended to take a piece of meat 95 grams a day , with the intake of fruit medium of about 125 g fruit , with a cup of pasta in about 250 gm . 

5 - regular meals .

The neglect a basic meals may lead to excessive sense of hunger , which causes the eating large amounts of food. When you feel hungry neglect good nutrition practices altogether.
Also advised to eat snacks between meals to overcome the feeling of hunger, and thus not to eat large amounts of food . But shall not eat large amounts of food during snack so you do not turn for a basic meal .

6 - reduce the intake of certain foods and not refrain from 

If some of the favorite meals rich in fat , salt or sugar , the basic requirement is to eat those foods is balance and moderation.
Can identify the key elements of this material through the diet with , if necessary , replaced .
Can replace full - fat dairy products with low-fat ones , with the replacement of high - fat meat with fat-free ones . If fried chicken is one of the favorite meals , can be minimized or replace addressed in other ways healthy . 

7 - balance in the selection of the types of meals 

When eating certain foods rich in fat , has to be dealt another type of fat - free food to offset the total amount of fat intake .
Also when you are not eating a certain type of food or nutrients during a given day , they must be addressed during the next day to compensate for the losses . Dining options during several consecutive days should be balanced and varied to maintain health . 

8 - recognition criteria for a healthy diet .

To improve dietary habits , we have to recognize the wrong approach . So you can write all the foods eaten during the day for three days, then scan well . For example : Do not add a lot of butter or kind of food, and instead can be replaced with alternatives contain a lower percentage of fat. Also you are taking the necessary quantities of fruits and vegetables to get the necessary nutrients . 

9 - gradual changes .

Changing diet approach can not happen suddenly . The rapid change can prevent access to the desired results . Can begin to address some of the deficiencies in the diet in moderation, and in the manner that can be accessed for proper diet and healthy eating habits that follow a continuous basis.
For example : if skim milk is not acceptable can experience low - fat yogurt . Until you get used to skim milk . 

10 - There is no good food and bad food .

The food itself is not bad or good, but the food choices and eating style is what makes it good or bad . The amount of food eaten is the measure . Can eat favorite foods fried foods or sweets , but in moderation
. .


Full file for healthy eating

Full file for healthy eating
Full file for healthy eating

Here's some healthy snacks to be eaten and continue where you some serious cuisine that should be permanently discontinued:

Begin to Regulation of food that cause us serious and must stay away from them or
mitigate them.

Sausages and cold meats cause cancer of the pancreas.

WASHINGTON / specialists researchers warned that eat more processed meats, sausages and sliced ​​cold meat, and high consumption of red meat, pork in particular, increases the risk of malignant tumors of the pancreas.
The specialists in cancer research center at the University of Hawaii States of America, that the carcinogenic effects are not related to the content of the meat from the fat or cholesterol, but linked to a prepared manner.
They said at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, the idea of ​​a link high consumption of meat with pancreatic cancer is not new, but the results of the previous studies were not fixed or uncertain.
The doctors that pancreatic cancer tumors more aggressive, and is the fourth cause of death of cancer among men in the United States, Fifth among women, but it is relatively uncommon in some parts of the world, suggesting that environmental factors and nutritional relationship in appearance between the Americans in particular.

Fried food contains carcinogenic substances  .

WASHINGTON / international scientists warned that fatty foods and fatty plant foods rich in carbohydrates and poor in protein, containing materials contaminated with carcinogenic.

The officials of the Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO), the World Health Organization, that such foods potato chips and coffee products, chips, pasta, biscuits and bread, which are produced by cooking at temperatures higher than 120 ° C, contain toxic substances and carcinogens formed during cooking, called "Akrlamaid".

The researchers pointed out that more foods that increase the risk of exposure to these carcinogenic material, are deep-fried potato chips and crunchy, coffee, pasta, pastries, local biscuits and bread and rolls, cakes and toast.

WHO warns of fried foods

Geneva / World Health Organization
( WHO ).

 said that people should reduce their intake of acrylamide chemical associated with fried foods that have caused cancer in rats .

The organization called on national governments to urge the food industry to have to reduce significantly the acrylamide content in foods such as potato chips , fries , coffee and cereal - based products such as bread .

She drew Swedish scientists Studies attention for the first time to the potential risks posed by acrylamide can be formed at high temperatures during frying , roasting or baking.

But the World Health Organization at the time called for further research when other studies have indicated that people do not consume in their daily diet of a large quantity of this material make it degree represents a major threat .

Following the most recent meeting of a joint committee of experts set up by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Organization for Agriculture and Food , Health Organization ( WHO ) said that there may be cause for concern , although it may need for many more years before clearer picture completely.

It said in a statement : The consumption of contaminated food to this article at current levels of redundancy may be cause for concern about public health .

Pizza raise blood sugar .

WASHINGTON / warned a new study conducted in the state of Pennsylvania Center for diabetics that especially pies , pizza raise blood sugar significantly may expose the patient to the risk of death .

The scientists called diabetic patients to inject insulin doses , one over a period of 8 hours to maintain blood sugar levels within acceptable limits so as to being the best of a single dose or doubling taken on a short time after eating food rich in carbohydrates and fat pizza.

The researchers said that the system of pumping insulin slowly and steadily may represent the best way to overcome the effects of leverage for diabetes that helps to reduce the risk of injuries cardiovascular and health complications resulting from the increase is also the best way to help diabetics to enjoy the cuisine popular favorite , especially if the foods are complex and cause high blood sugar quickly

White bread affects diabetes .

Sydney / face scientists at the Australian Cancer Council , a special warning for lovers of white bread and milk products , after it was discovered that these carbohydrates increase the risk of type II diabetes .

The researchers explained that white bread, refined and starchy foods such as pasta , biscuits , cakes, brioche encourages high blood sugar dramatically, so the persons to reduce the intake of these foods and choose foods that do not raise blood sugar levels , such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains , legumes , etc., and so in order to protect themselves from the risk of diabetes.

The researchers found after measuring the impact of these foods on blood sugar levels , according to Treat her diabetes , which regard carbohydrate materials only, that foods with a higher factor of diabetes caused a significant increase in blood sugar , while the cause of food with low factor , a weaker effect .

To investigate the effect of worker diabetes risk for type II diabetes , the researchers followed more than 36 thousand people is infected with the disease , aged between 40-69 years old, for a period of 4 years, and control the quality of their food and infected diabetic, was injured 400 people, of whom the disease throughout that period.

The experts noted in their study, published in the journal " care of diabetes ," that people who were more consuming bread white , which ate the equivalent of 17 at least once every week, have been exposed to a higher risk for diabetes by more than 30 per cent, also faced lovers carbohydrates and foods with Higher diabetes factor is also a major threat by increasing weight , which in turn increases the chances of contracting the disease.

The scientists that a diet rich in starch stimulates the pancreas to produce a lot of insulin to regulate glucose levels and reduction in the blood, which exhausts the cells producing this hormone and contributes to diabetes , noting that the sugar found in fruits , vegetables, grains rich also the element magnesium, reduces the risk of infection is significantly.

5-Easy Ways to maintain a healthy weight

_ Are you tired of successive diets and conflicting which only cause weight gain? We are too! Maintain a healthy weight should not be a problem or a dilemma faced by women. It is time to lay the foundations just to maintain a healthy weight in a practical way. Come let us know on the expert tips to get to a healthy weight and get rid of the obsession with diet killer.

Access to fiber. 

Enhanced diet a lot of fiber to help curb hunger. Research has shown that people who eat larger amounts of fiber tend to keep healthy weights. So what's the issue of fiber? Fiber-rich foods digest more slowly, which lets you feel full for a longer period. By reducing calories in the daily diet will have a better chance of holding your weight reduction goals. Choose fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes full - and plenty of water. Try to eat snacks such as apples, which helps in weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.

Forget the balance. 
Instead, Rose recommends the adoption of the clothes instead of the balance to see the difference. "When you become your clothes you narrow it means that your weight has increased, and vice versa"

New food rules. 

When it comes to weight control, Rose proposes to control the clock. "My plans for meals daily so concentrated meals basic before three o'clock in the evening. Remember that everything you eat after three o'clock pm affect on your body, so Cut down on the amount of food in general after three o'clock pm and try to stay away from fast fat as much as possible, but not fast. "

How often should I eat to maintain your weight? Proposes to (Lisa Ryan Koncelo,) trainer and dietitian snack is HUGE every 2 -3 hours.

It is also important to monitor quotas. "Sit quietly, without TV or computer or magazines. Quietly and eat your food and chew
 Good. Do not eat in the car, and you're standing or during conversation. Another rule to help keep the weight? "Chew your food at least 15 times for each bit."


If you want to maintain a healthy weight, do not overdo it at the time of performing the exercises. Instead Focus on useful exercise that can help you build a strong body and muscles use fat you have stocks.

Ryan advised to exercise 30 minutes a day or 60 minutes four to five times each week. Increase your physical activity can help to raise your metabolism as well.


Avoid drinks. 

Rose suggests that the consumption of liquid calories is the easiest way to increase your daily calories. "I do not drink a lot of calories! Avoid sweetened juices, cola and coffee ready, and replace it with water." Finally, when you feel hungry, drink cups of water, sometimes our sense of thirst drives us to eat! 

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