healthy eating for weight loss

Eating a healthy diet is essential for weight loss.Foods chosen by the person does not affect only the weight, but they contribute to getting good nutrition, which also can reduce the risk of chronic diseases associated with excess weight, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis and strokes.

stronger 10 tips to lose weight

Tips and multiple prescriptions and treatment that can be pivot for many weight reduction; however, before anything, we should know how important it is to lose weight and strive to get rid of excess pounds, in order to preserve the health, fitness and beauty. Everyone must and on women in particular should know that there is no easy way can be pursued to lose weight, but that it is linked to the integration of several different things in life style to change it fully; They must be aware also that the process is not simple and it will require a great deal of determination and desire. Here's a collection of the most important tips to weight loss:.

exercises burn calories to lose weight

There are many sports activities that can be exercised in order to burn calories. Exercises: - Aerobics exercises from one of the activities that help an individual to lose weight. How many calories are burned varies depending on the impact of exercise, but on average is usually between 295 - 604 per hour. - Bike rides from other exercises that contribute to burn calories. How many calories are burned varies depending on the intensity of use and the type of bike used, but on average is usually between 236 - 1380 per hour.

seven foods help burn fat fast

If you are a people who find it difficult to follow a certain diet diet, or get bored of eating the same foods, and the whole purpose of this is to lose weight and burn fat. We are in the Journal of diet offer you most important Food that help to burn fat is at your fingertips.

seven ways to avoid weight gain after marriage

You may be saying, "love is blind" is correct, especially when it comes to increasing waistline. One study shows the new British that 62% of women surveyed gained up to 15 pounds after marriage. The nearly 75% think that the other half has increased in weight as well. Whether we take the blame to eat or drink outside the home, or swap exercise time watching movies, there is one thing for sure, is that you follow some tips that can help in maintaining the lack of weight gain with marital happiness. The experts will explain to us how to do this.

Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips. Show all posts

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The most important tips that will help maintain the new weight

Success in weight loss does not mean getting your ideal weight lost but success in maintaining this new weight for life so get your ideal weight is made in two stages The former is a weight loss any slimming and reducing weight The second phase is the installation is an attempt to halt the loss of more weight and not to increase new to the weight that we got it after the system LOSS so as not exposed to restore Lost body or does not know the name of the yo-yo diet and this comes that we get the prices equivalent to the effort made a day, to be calories within the body is equal calories disposed of the body is subject to try to adjust the energy equation They burn calories that we get so weight does not return to its previous position, so we will mention to you the way in which help you to install the new weight and the most important tips that will help in maintaining the new weight.
The most important tips that will help maintain the new weight
The most important tips that will help maintain the new weight
installation., can be done in the weight several conditions, including maintaining an ideal weight, including new maintain the new weight, which we did not get after the ideal weight, but there is a feeling bored shall be a rest and then go back again to the weight loss system until we get the ideal weight.
Must during the installation of weight to watch what we eat and drink and watching the weight of each period after stopping system weight loss than diet and sport and so either by reducing the amount of food Ay quantities less any diet moderate must not exceed fat 10% of calories needed daily and varied the rest of the calories from protein and carbohydrates with exercise regularly to burn calories constantly and the first and the first and the balancing act in the sense if the time came for diet moderate exercise can sport for a longer period in order to make up for caloric excess and then find an increase in weight control balance if found that the weight proved This means that the number of calories and effort sport appropriate and that the weight in the stability, but if it was found that weight decreases or increases Here we must increase or reduce calories and effort sport even apply the equation required to install the weight which should be calories within the body is equal calories get rid of them body and the duration of the installation often for less than 6 months to a year to get used to the body to new weight and can in that period took lost appetite for help not feeling very hungry, which is often accompanied by that period any post-weight loss with diet or follow the advice and guidance to reduce appetite means with one follow the natural types of food regulation to be followed in that period to maintain weight. 
Diet fast to get rid of 3 kg in the week with a way to install weight
To install the weight calorie diet
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Tips that help maintain the new weight
1 - weight control continuously as weekly or every two weeks because it is possible to increase the weight without feeling it
2 - Organization of eating at least three meals a day can delete the type of food or more of any meal or the meal itself can be deleted
3 - It is best to replace dinner green or authority or yogurt with fruit avoid eating food in the late hours of the night
4 - You must drink 2 cups of water before each meal, the greater the intake of water, the better
5 - must not be less than the length of time between meals for five hours
6 - Trying to practice sports on a daily basis is nothing less than an hour a day is best to be grainy sport so we do not feel bored or move on may appreciate 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tips to lose weight permanently

Tips to lose weight permanently
Tips to lose weight permanently
_ The desire to lose weight is the foremost desire requires great determination.This means that we must first think positively to achieve the intended purpose and must be ready to change the physical positions. This does not mean denial of your eating habits or the imposition of fasting or undergo a tough diet.
Several tips to lose weight is not as easy to use and can familiarity with it over time. The first important thing is the recommended and specialists is to change eating habits. Avoid foods high in fat even though it's fun and you like, try to compensate fresh fruits and vegetables. Are you a friend to try fruit juices interest in them rather than what is offered to you in fast food (McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, etc ...)
Citrus fruits rich in vitamin c prefer to consume 5 minutes after meals because they help you more quickly to burn excess fat and lose weight easily

Try to give yourself time each morning to exercise. Simple movements such as abdominal movements, walking, gymnastics, or ride a bike and outdoor running they are very useful also exercise swim relieve muscle.

Do not strain yourself too much exercise sport but try to adapt to the time increase every time a few minutes.

Took advantage of your free time reading magazines specializing in counseling foods (fruits, vegetables, vitamins, etc..), And this will allow you to diversify your food choices and thus lose weight
Weight loss

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tips to lose weight without diet

Tips to lose weight without diet

Without hunger or frustration or drugs .. These tips brought to you by nutrition experts to lose weight Along details:

When you feel hungry between meals, chew celery because it burns a lot of calories, or eat some fresh fruit.

Make sure to eat three meals a day at the same time , and no detrimental and breakfast because they increase the rate of burning calories

Try to stand up while talking on the phone or watching TV , and the control device without the use of a remote control makes many of the movement .
Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can.

Do not use sugar, or sugar substitute fruit sugar factory .
Use alternatives to milk and low-fat cheese .

If you 're someone who love chocolate or cocoa drink Buy a type that does not contain sugar or extra material .
Be wary of canned foods because they contain a lot of calories , and sodium used in the process of keeping these foods hamper the process of digestion , causing obesity .
Do not dealing with pasta or rice only once every two weeks , and preferably replaced with type made ​​of brown land .

accustomed to eating brown bread , and chose the type containing the bran, which helps in the digestion process.
Do not eat only natural nuts is the salted .
Use olive oil, cold pressed , it does not cause cholesterol .
Wait at least three hours when moving from one meal to another.
Do not do a lot of salt, it stores the fluids in the body .

Drink 6 to 10 glasses of water a day they washed the body of toxins and fat.
Do not eat chewing gum , even without sugar .
Do not eat chicken skin is a store of fat and hormones .
Do not eat the lemon with the proteins it neutralizes enzyme " pepsin " responsible for the digestion of protein.
Do not eat late at night in order to allow for the stomach to digest food efficiently.
Replace fries barbecues and boiled .
Start always with the green authorities .
Beware of soups that contain cream


Stronger 10 tips to lose weight

Tips and multiple prescriptions and treatment that can be pivot for many weight reduction; however, before anything, we should know how important it is to lose weight and strive to get rid of excess pounds, in order to preserve the health, fitness and beauty.
Everyone must and on women in particular should know that there is no easy way can be pursued to lose weight, but that it is linked to the integration of several different things in life style to change it fully; They must be aware also that the process is not simple and it will require a great deal of determination and desire.
Here's a collection of the most important tips to weight loss:

1 Ensure low glycemic index in the blood and diet: This means that you should avoid foods that may make the body infected by a rise in blood sugar levels; rises sudden those levels may make the pancreas secretes some sort of insulin known as the hormone insulin, and once the secretion of the hormone, begins body to change the mechanism for dealing with food.
2 Not consuming a large amount of sugar and salt: they already are detrimental health elements as it is known, can say they ruin any area arrive to it, so you must be careful and reduce the quantities that are ingested sugar and salt throughout the day.
 3 Take the time to enjoy breakfast: Despite the neglect of many for that meal, but it is particularly important, because it gives the body the morning batch and thus help to get incremental amounts of energy throughout the day, especially if a healthy meal.
 4 strengthen the power of the body through exercise: it should involve a plan to lose weight on some exercises that deal to build and strengthen the muscles of the body.
 5 reduce snacks while watching TV: Eating fatty foods, sweets and chocolate while watching TV is one of the worst mistakes that may be committed, because the body is in a relaxed state and stillness, which reduces the chances of digestion as it should, along with that sweet taste causes the body to continue eating nonstop.
6 ensure inclusion in the diet of vitamin "D" and calcium: where previously stressed the importance of research studies of these two elements for weight loss efforts.

 7 Get enough sleep and relax for the next day: It was also found that lack of sleep or sleep disturbance during the night may lead to increases in the negative weight; The idea here is the need for sleep between 6-8 hours each day without any cut.
 8 eliminating harmful bacteria bacteria beneficial: It can do that step by eating supplements pro-biotic food, which supplements of live bacteria or yeasts or eating milk (yogurt) that contains these bacteria; proved to be those supplements help to replace the harmful bacteria bacteria beneficial .
9 realize that artificial sweeteners cause weight gain: Everyone knows that the sweeteners are not useful to the body. And dangerous that many probably do not know it already contributes to weight gain, in terms of it is working to increase appetite and then eat more of the foods.
10 plan to eat healthy and plan to exercise regularly: where there should be consistency between habits and to play an active effort to improve the life and style, and adoption of
a lifetime.